Addons is a feature of dicfg that can be added to the config dictionary keys via @addon_type{addon_name}
Currently there are these types of addons:
validator (@validate(…))
updater (@update(…))
templates (@validate(…))
Below these types are discussed in more detail.
from pprint import pprint
from dicfg import ConfigReader
Validators: use validators with @validate(validator-name) in config files#
Dicfg has the following builtin validators:
required: using this validator throws an error if the value is empty, useful when a value is required to be set by a user.
depreciated: using this validator throws an error if the values is not empty, useful when a name has changed and should’nt be used anymore
object: using this validator throws an error if the object is not defined with “*object”, or if object can not be loaded, or if arguments are not valid arguments.
print("Main config:\n")
!cat ./configs/config_with_validators.yml
config_reader = ConfigReader(name="myconfig", main_config_path="./configs/config_with_validators.yml")
user_config = {'myconfig': {'default': {'config_int2': 3}}}
print("\n"+"Output config:\n")
pprint(, sort_dicts=False)
Main config:
"*object": "io.StringIO"
config_string: "fire"
config_list: [1, 2, 3]
config_none: None
sub_config: "water"
Output config:
{'default': {'config_int2': 3,
'config_int': None,
'object': {'*object': 'io.StringIO'},
'config_string': 'fire',
'config_list': [1, 2, 3],
'config_none': 'None',
'config_dict': {'sub_config': 'water'}}}
Updaters: use updates with @update(updater-name) in config files#
Dicfg has the following builtin validators:
replace: using this updater replaces a list or dict completely
merge: using this updater merges a list or dict with the additional values
Note: Default behaviour or a dict is merge and the default behaviour of a list is replace
print("Main config:\n")
!cat ./configs/config_with_updaters.yml
config_reader = ConfigReader(name="myconfig", main_config_path="./configs/config_with_updaters.yml")
user_config = {'myconfig': {'default': {'config_list': [20], 'config_dict': {'new': 'new'}}}}
print("\n"+"Output config:\n")
pprint(, sort_dicts=False)
Main config:
config_string: "fire"
config_list@updater(merge): [1, 2, 3]
config_none: None
sub_config: "water"
Output config:
{'default': {'config_string': 'fire',
'config_list': [1, 2, 3, 20],
'config_none': 'None',
'config_dict': {'new': 'new'}}}
Templates: use templates with @template(template-name) in config files#
verbose: Enables verbose logging.
debug: Enables debug logging.
build: Initiates the build process.
dontbuild: Disables the build process.
cwd: Returns the current working directory.
systeminfo: Provides detailed system information.
datetimenow: Outputs the current date and time.
uuid4: Generates a random UUID (version 4).
sqlwrite: Writes data to an SQLite database.
Modifiers: use modifiers with @modifier(modifier-name) in config files#
Modifiers are are able to modify a value
include: Loads and processes external file content based on its format.
command: Executes a shell command and returns its output.
slugify: Converts text into a URL-friendly slug.
date: Returns the current date formatted as specified.
encodebase64: Encodes text into Base64.
decodebase64: Decodes a Base64-encoded string back to text.
uuid5: Generates a version 5 UUID from a given namespace and name.
math: Safely evaluates a mathematical expression.
env: Retrieves the value of an environment variable.
sqlread: Executes an SQL query on a SQLite database and formats the results.
modifiers dont work with interpolation. This is because modifiers are applied before building the config. If you need that functionalitiy, please use *object: and modify when building
from pprint import pprint
from dicfg import ConfigReader
print("Main config:\n")
!cat "./configs/config_with_addons.yml"
config_reader = ConfigReader(name="myconfig", main_config_path="./configs/config_with_addons.yml")
print("\n"+"Output config:\n")
pprint(, sort_dicts=False)
Main config:
config_string: "fire"
config_list: [1, 2, 3]
config_none: None
sub_config: "water"
mynumber%math: 2+3*8
Output config:
{'default': {'config_string': 'fire',
'config_list': [1, 2, 3],
'config_none': 'None',
'config_dict': {'sub_config': 'water'},
'mydate': '2025-02-14 15:04:33.745174',
'mynumber': 26,
'myuuid': '99946e68-e68a-4691-b30b-c1ad439de35e'}}